Sunday, December 1, 2013

I can see the World View!

For a while now I've been seeing the new Economist campaign "World View" in train stations around Boston. They had couple ads displayed in different places (will go over three of them). These ads reminded me of the "Big Idea" class as well as my beloved Prof. Tucker. As I was looking at the ads, I remembered him saying "print ads have to be visual, simple and at the same time convey the Big Idea you're going for." I can tell you the Economist nailed all these points.

Their BIG IDEA: emphasizing the "World View" through ordinary objects to get new readers.

According to Advertising Age, they wanted to target college students and they chose Philly and Boston. Why Boston? Well, the city is one of the most Affluent in the US. Largely due to high ranked Universities, well-respected healthcare system and being one of the main technology hubs.

Now let's focus on the ads themselves so you can understand why I thought they were brilliant and straight to the point.

1. The Binoculars 

You know the binoculars are used to see things that are far closer. I mean how great does it go with the worlds "World View." The also used their own print as the binoculars. With this, you don't have to read the texts below to get the message. Very catchy!

2. The Globe

The globe is an iconic object that can be found in all places of the world. Again, you have a huge image overpowering the whole sign. You must ask yourself without the worlds at the bottom (and only the logo) will you understand what this ad is trying to convey? If the answer is yes, then the ad is accomplished what it was suppose to do. Catch your eyes, and send you the message in quick seconds. Nice!

3. Rubik's Cube

Rubik are often associated with intelligence because it takes strategies to finish the game. The combination of the world view and solving the Rubik sends a strong message. You could read it as The Economist solves your curiosity about what's going on in the world. What do you think?


1. Have an image that can tell the story by itself
2. Have a "Big Idea" so that your ads can convey the same message in different ways
3. Remember the branding part. Meaning if people see the ad will they recognize the brand?
4. Don't beat your head against a wall to get a crazy out-of-this world idea. Look around you, what's ordinary that you can use.
5. Also don't forget about Simplicity. It doesn't have to be an orchestra type of deal.