Friday, July 19, 2013

NGO's Advertising Tactic

I have always been interested in cause marketing. Today's focus is on a nonprofit organization called "The Friends of the Public Garden." According to their website, the organization works to preserve and enhance the Boston Common, the Public Garden, and the Commonwealth Avenue Mall.

The Friends of Public Garden is in partnership with Boston Parks & Recreation Department to renew the historic Boston Common. I'll focus on the Brewer Fountain Plaza located next to Park Street Station.

The organization is providing the following (as seen on the picture):
1. Reading room for free. They have books, newspapers and magazines to choose from
2. Piano on the Plaza: You have several piano performers from 12pm-2pm
3. Chess and Backgammon are provided for people to play together
4. Sitting area to enjoy the outdoors, eat food, read, and chat with friends

The Friends of Public Garden Project
Brewer Plaza Activities

I like NGO's because they usually have a low budget for advertising but yet they come up with creative solutions. The Friends of The Garden is encouraging people to read and enjoy nature, while educating them on the preservation of gardens and supporting local talents. These are great attributes that enhance people's lives hence, a big attraction for donors and sponsors.

As you can see, this is a creative project that doesn't cost a lot in advertisement dollars but still reaches a large number of people. If you want to learn more feel free to visit The Friends of Public Garden website or call them at 617-723-8144.

**I was not paid in any way to write this post. I believe in the power of reading and the preservation of nature.

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